10Th Annual Mentoring For Charity Golf Tournament

On October 3rd, 2018 we held the 10th Annual Tall Oak Private Wealth | Raymond James Mentoring for Charity Golf Tournament at the Oaks Golf and Country Club. We were fortunate to have great weather and a wonderful turnout. With many good laughs and a few lost balls, the successful event raised over $20,000 for Children’s Hospital and Thames Valley Children’s Centre. The Tall Oak Private Wealth team is proud to be able to host this event in support of such a wonderful community organization.

About Thames Valley Children’s Centre

The dedicated staff of Thames Valley Children’s Centre serve children and youth from before birth into young adulthood. Family-centred services are provided for individuals with physical challenges, communication disorders, developmental delays and autism spectrum disorders. Services are provided in 10 counties of Southwestern Ontario and include specialized clinics, groups, participation programs, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psycho/social services, speech therapy, augmentative communication, seating and mobility, leisure, recreation and fitness … to name a few.

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