Live Like A Resident – Transition To Practice

In December 2020 we ventured into the world of Zoom, holding our first two online seminars in London and Windsor in a series called, “Live Like a Resident”  and the first segment discussed Transition to Practice.  Previously these seminars would be held face to face, but with the current COVID restrictions we knew it was important for physicians to have access to the right information that would help educate them and provide them with the best possible transition to practice possible.

After the success and feedback of our December seminars we decided that now would be an opportune time again to provide these education-based seminars to residents especially since the summer months will be a transition time for so many.

The primary goal of these seminars is to provide residents and those in the process of transitioning to practice with relevant and comprehensive answers to the questions they have, based on real concrete information and real-life experiences.  We work with physicians through all life stages, from medical school to residency to practice to retirement.  Merging key learnings from their personal situations and our expertise in wealth management, our webinar answers the most pressing of questions and decisions that residents must make when making the leap from education to practice.

Regularly, we will highlight a new topic in our blogs and webinars:

  1. What does incorporating mean, and when should I consider incorporating?
  2. Building Wealth: Financial tips for newly practicing physicians.
  3. Home ownership: What types of real estate should I look at?
  4. Risk management: What insurance protection should I be considering?

This is the opportune time to surround yourself with best practices and a team that is focused on medical, integrated advice that has your best interest at heart. 

To support local restaurants, we have dinner delivered to everyone who registers.  Our webinars are not restricted by location.

To sign up for our next webinar, contact us.

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